The Effect of Anti-plagiarism Software on Students’ Plagiarizing Behaviour

The Effect of Anti-plagiarism Software on Students’ Plagiarizing Behaviour

Eser Adı: The Effect of Anti-plagiarism Software on Students’ Plagiarizing Behaviour

Alt Baslık:

Dili: İNgilizce


İSBN: 978-605-9336-52-9

Kitabın Türü: Filoloji, Akademi

Cilt Bilgisi: Amerikan Biristol

Basım Tarihi ve Yeri:  2017  İstanbul

Kitap Boyutu: 16 x 23,5

Sayfa Sayısı: 156

Etiket Fiyatı: 170,00



In today’s digitalized world, it has become easier and faster to access knowledge. In university education, especially in academic writing courses, it is vital to access knowledge in order to keep up to date and produce quality writing. However, if knowledge sources are not acknowledged correctly, a serious problem which hinders the development of knowledge arises: plagiarism. This book explores the extent to which university students are aware of plagiarism and offers ways to raise awareness and avoid it. For this purpose the book presents a study which offers a practical method to apply in academic writing classes in order to change students’ plagiarizing behavior. The purpose of the book is to show that it is possible to change students’ plagiarizing behavior if a systematical approach is followed

The Effect of Anti-plagiarism Software on Students’ Plagiarizing Behaviour


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