The Teacher: Essays and Addresses on Education

The Teacher: Essays and Addresses on Education

Eser Adı: The Teacher: Essays and Addresses on Education

Alt Baslık:

Dili: ingilizce

Yazar: George Herbert Palmer,  Alice Freeman Palmer

İSBN: : 978-625-7033-51-0

Kitabın Türü: Eğitim Bilimleri

Cilt Bilgisi: Amerikan Bristol

Basım Tarihi ve Yeri: 2020 İstanbul

Kitap Boyutu: 16x 23,5

Sayfa Sayısı: 166

Etiket Fiyatı: 350.00



The papers of this volume fall into three groups, two of the three being written by myself. From my writings on education I have selected only those which may have some claim to permanent interest, and all but two have been tested by previous publication. Those of the first group deal with questions about which we teachers, eager about our immeasurable art beyond most professional persons, never cease to wonder and debate: What is teaching? How far may it influence character? Can it be practiced on persons too busy or too poor to come to our class-rooms? To subjects of what scope should it be applied? And how shall we content ourselves with its necessary limitations? Under these diverse headings a kind of philosophy of education is outlined. The last two papers, having been given as lectures and stenographically reported, I have left in their original colloquial form. A group of papers on Harvard follows, preceded by an explanatory note, and the volume closes with a few papers by Mrs. Palmer. She and I often talked of preparing together a book on education. Now, alone, I gather up these fragments.

George Herbert Palmer



The Teacher: Essays and Addresses on Education


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